Create a prior-posterior plot.
PlotPriorAndPosterior( dfLines, dfPoints = NULL, BF = NULL, CRI = NULL, median = NULL, xName = NULL, yName = gettext("Density", domain = "R-jaspGraphs"), drawPizzaTxt = !is.null(BF), drawCRItxt = !is.null(CRI), bfType = c("BF01", "BF10", "LogBF10"), hypothesis = c("equal", "smaller", "greater"), bfSubscripts = NULL, pizzaTxt = hypothesis2BFtxt(hypothesis)$pizzaTxt, bty = list(type = "n", ldwX = 0.5, lwdY = 0.5), lineColors = NULL, CRItxt = "95% CI: ", medianTxt = gettext("Median:", domain = "R-jaspGraphs"), ... )
dfLines | A dataframe with |
dfPoints | A dataframe with |
BF | Numeric, with value of Bayes factor. This MUST correspond to bfType. |
CRI | Numeric of length 2, Credible interval of posterior. |
median | Numeric, median of posterior. |
xName | String or expression, displayed on the x-axis. |
yName | String or expression, displayed on the y-axis. |
drawPizzaTxt | Logical, should there be text above and below the pizza plot? |
drawCRItxt | Logical, should the credible interval be displayed in text? |
bfType | String, what is the type of BF? Options are "BF01", "BF10", or "LogBF10". |
hypothesis | String, what was the hypothesis? Options are "equal", "smaller", or "greater". |
bfSubscripts | String, manually specify the BF labels. |
pizzaTxt | String vector of length 2, text to be drawn above and below pizza plot. |
bty | List of three elements. Type specifies the box type, ldwX the width of the x-axis, lwdY the width of the y-axis. |
lineColors | NULL to omit line colors, a character vector with colors, or any other value to add |
CRItxt | String, display the credible interval as |
medianTxt | String, display the median as |
... | Unused. |
If BF, CRI, and median are all NULL a ggplot, otherwise a gtable.
n <- 100 x <- seq(-3, 3, length.out = n) dfLines <- data.frame( x = x, y = c(dnorm(x, 0, 1), dnorm(x, 1, .5)), g = rep(c("Prior", "Posterior"), each = n) ) PlotPriorAndPosterior(dfLines) #> Warning: `themeJasp()` was deprecated in jaspGraphs #> Please use `themeJaspRaw()` instead. #> This warning is displayed once every 8 hours. #> Call `lifecycle::last_lifecycle_warnings()` to see where this warning was generated.dfPoints <- data.frame( x = c(0, 0), y = dnorm(0, c(0, 1), c(1, .5)), g = c("Prior", "Posterior") ) PlotPriorAndPosterior(dfLines, dfPoints)
# add BF pizza BF10 <- dnorm(0, 1, .5) / dnorm(0, 0, 1) PlotPriorAndPosterior(dfLines, dfPoints, BF10, bfType = "BF10") # default
PlotPriorAndPosterior(dfLines, dfPoints, 1 / BF10, bfType = "BF01")
PlotPriorAndPosterior(dfLines, dfPoints, log(BF10), bfType = "LogBF10")
# change hypothesis PlotPriorAndPosterior(dfLines, dfPoints, BF10, hypothesis = "smaller")
PlotPriorAndPosterior(dfLines, dfPoints, BF10, hypothesis = "greater")
# add credible interval CRI <- qnorm(c(0.025, 0.975), 1, .5) PlotPriorAndPosterior(dfLines, dfPoints, CRI = CRI)
PlotPriorAndPosterior(dfLines, dfPoints, CRI = CRI, drawCRItxt = FALSE)
# add median median <- qnorm(0.5, 1, .5) PlotPriorAndPosterior(dfLines, dfPoints, median = median)
# or combine them all PlotPriorAndPosterior(dfLines, dfPoints, BF10, CRI = CRI, median = median)